Safaris in Rwanda

Safaris in Rwanda offers you an unlimited options to choose from; be it primate safaris, wildlife safaris or cultural tours, Universal Ventures Rwanda got you covered.

Rwanda, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” is a gem nestled in the heart of East Africa. Renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant culture, Rwanda offers an unforgettable safari experience in Africa like no other. Among the various tour companies operating in Rwanda, Universal Ventures Rwanda stands out for its commitment to providing exceptional safaris that immerse travelers in the beauty and wonder of this enchanting country.

Gorilla Trekking Safaris

Getting Ready for the Adventure

Before embarking on a gorilla trekking safari with Universal Ventures Rwanda, travelers undergo comprehensive preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. From obtaining permits to packing essentials, every detail is meticulously planned to make the adventure hassle-free.

Encounters with Majestic Mountain Gorillas

Gorilla trekking is undoubtedly the highlight of any safari in Rwanda. As you venture into the lush forests of Volcanoes National Park, guided by experienced trackers, the anticipation builds with every step. Then, a magical moment unfolds as you come face to face with a family of majestic mountain gorillas, observing their behavior in their natural habitat—an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. Contact us for safaris in Rwanda today.

Chimpanzee Trekking Trips

Exploring the Lush Forests

Chimpanzee trekking trips take you deep into Rwanda’s verdant forests, where these intelligent primates reside. The trek itself is an adventure, as you navigate through dense foliage and listen to the symphony of sounds echoing through the canopy.

Observing Chimpanzees in Their Natural Habitat

Once you encounter a group of chimpanzees, you’re in for a treat. Observing these creatures in their natural habitat offers insights into their social dynamics, feeding habits, and daily routines. It’s a privilege to witness their playful antics and observe their interactions up close.

Golden Monkey Trekking

Traversing the Virunga Mountains

Golden monkey trekking tours take you to the misty slopes of the Virunga Mountains, where these endangered primates reside. The journey to find them is as rewarding as the encounter itself, with panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

Witnessing the Playful Golden Monkeys

As you observe the golden monkeys in their natural habitat, you’re captivated by their golden fur and playful demeanor. Watching them leap from tree to tree and forage for food fills you with a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of nature. Contact us for safaris in Rwanda today.

Wildlife Safaris in Rwanda

Spotting Rwanda’s Diverse Wildlife

While primates steal the spotlight, Rwanda is also home to a diverse array of wildlife. From majestic elephants and elusive leopards to graceful antelopes and colorful birds, a wildlife safari with Universal Ventures Rwanda promises unforgettable encounters with Rwanda’s rich biodiversity.

Thrilling Encounters in Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, located in eastern Rwanda, offers a safari experience in Rwanda like no other. Here, you can embark on game drives, boat safaris, and guided walks to explore the park’s varied landscapes and spot its resident wildlife, including the Big Five.

Cultural Tours; Rwanda’s Rich Heritage

Immersing in Local Traditions and Customs

A cultural tour with Universal Ventures Rwanda offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Rwanda’s rich heritage. From visiting traditional villages to participating in cultural ceremonies, you gain insights into the customs, traditions, and way of life of Rwanda’s diverse ethnic groups.

Exploring Vibrant Markets and Craft Centers

Explore bustling markets brimming with vibrant colors and aromatic spices, where artisans showcase their craftsmanship through intricate beadwork, weaving, and pottery. Engage with local artisans, learn about their techniques, and purchase authentic Rwandan souvenirs to commemorate your journey. Contact us for safaris in Rwanda today.

City Tours in Rwanda

Exploring Kigali: Rwanda’s Bustling Capital

Kigali, Rwanda’s vibrant capital, is a city of contrasts, where modern skyscrapers stand alongside bustling markets and leafy boulevards. Explore its eclectic neighborhoods, visit poignant memorials, and savor the flavors of Rwandan cuisine at local eateries.

Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Rwandan Urban Landscape

Beyond Kigali, Rwanda’s cities offer a wealth of attractions waiting to be discovered. From the serene shores of Lake Kivu to the historical sites of Butare and the bustling streets of Rubavu, each city has its own unique charm and character waiting to be explored.

Safaris in Rwanda Destinations

Rwanda, a land of remarkable biodiversity and stunning landscapes, offers an array of safari destinations that cater to nature lovers, adventure seekers, and cultural enthusiasts alike. From the misty mountains of Volcanoes National Park to the lush rainforests of Nyungwe, and the sprawling savannahs of Akagera, there’s something for everyone in this East African gem.

Volcanoes National Park: Home to Majestic Mountain Gorillas

Nestled in the Virunga Mountains, Volcanoes National Park is perhaps best known as the sanctuary of the endangered mountain gorillas. Here, visitors have the opportunity to embark on life-changing gorilla trekking expeditions and immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Rwandan wilderness.

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Trekking through the dense bamboo forests of Volcanoes National Park in search of mountain gorillas is an experience unlike any other. Led by experienced guides and trackers, visitors have the chance to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat and witness firsthand the bonds that unite gorilla families.

Golden Monkey Tracking

In addition to gorilla trekking, Volcanoes National Park also offers golden monkey tracking experiences. These playful primates, known for their distinctive golden fur, inhabit the bamboo forests of the park and provide visitors with another unique opportunity to encounter Rwanda’s rich biodiversity.

Booking your gorilla safari in Rwanda with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free; Just contact us +250781441853 (Call/WhatsApp) or use

Nyungwe Forest National Park: Pristine Rainforest Adventures

Nyungwe Forest National Park is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers, boasting pristine rainforests, sparkling waterfalls, and an abundance of wildlife. From chimpanzee trekking to canopy walks, there’s no shortage of exhilarating experiences to be had in this biodiverse paradise.

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One of the highlights of visiting Nyungwe Forest National Park is the opportunity to trek through the lush rainforest in search of chimpanzees. Guided by knowledgeable rangers, visitors can observe these intelligent primates in their natural habitat and learn about their behavior, social dynamics, and conservation status.

Canopy Walk

For those seeking a different perspective of Nyungwe Forest, the canopy walk offers a thrilling adventure high above the forest floor. Suspended between towering trees, the canopy walkway provides breathtaking views of the forest canopy and allows visitors to spot various bird species and other wildlife.

Booking your chimp tracking safari in Rwanda with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free; Just contact us +250781441853 (Call/WhatsApp) or use


Akagera National Park: Wildlife Safari Extravaganza

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Situated in eastern Rwanda, Akagera National Park is a diverse ecosystem encompassing savannah plains, wetlands, and lakeshores. Home to a wide range of wildlife, including the Big Five, Akagera offers visitors the opportunity to embark on unforgettable game drives, boat safaris, and nature walks.

Game Drives

Embarking on a game drive in Akagera National Park is an exhilarating experience, offering the chance to spot a variety of iconic African wildlife, including elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, and more. With knowledgeable guides leading the way, visitors can explore the park’s diverse landscapes and encounter its resident wildlife up close.

Boat Safaris

Exploring Akagera’s lakes and waterways by boat offers a unique perspective of the park and its wildlife. Boat safaris provide opportunities to spot hippos, crocodiles, waterbirds, and other aquatic species while cruising along the tranquil waters of Lake Ihema and Lake Shakani.

Booking your wildlife safari in Rwanda with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free; Just contact us +250781441853 (Call/WhatsApp) or use

Rwanda’s Cultural Attractions: Immersion in Tradition and Heritage

In addition to its natural wonders, Rwanda is also rich in cultural heritage, with vibrant traditions and a tumultuous history that have shaped the nation’s identity. Exploring Rwanda’s cultural attractions offers visitors insights into the country’s past, present, and future.

Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village

Located near Volcanoes National Park, the Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village provides visitors with a glimpse into traditional Rwandan life. Here, guests can participate in cultural performances, learn about local customs and rituals, and interact with community members to gain a deeper understanding of Rwanda’s rich cultural heritage.

Rwanda museums also boasts a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its museums and cultural institutions. From commemorating the tragic events of the past to celebrating the vibrant traditions of the present, Rwanda’s museums offer visitors a glimpse into the nation’s history, culture, and identity.

Booking your cultural tour in Rwanda with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free; Just contact us +250781441853 (Call/WhatsApp) or use


Kigali City Tours: Discovering Urban Charms

As the capital and largest city of Rwanda, Kigali offers a vibrant mix of culture, history, and modernity. From poignant memorials to bustling markets and lively neighborhoods, Kigali’s diverse attractions provide visitors with a glimpse into the heartbeat of the nation.

Kigali Genocide Memorial

The Kigali Genocide Memorial is a must-visit attraction for those interested in learning about Rwanda’s tragic history and the events that led to the 1994 genocide. Through exhibits, documentation, and survivor testimonies, the memorial honors the memory of the victims and serves as a beacon of hope for reconciliation and healing.

Craft Markets

Exploring Kigali’s craft markets is a feast for the senses, with colorful stalls brimming with handcrafted goods, textiles, jewelry, and artwork. From traditional woven baskets to contemporary sculptures, these markets offer visitors the chance to purchase authentic Rwandan souvenirs and support local artisans.

Booking your city tour in Rwanda with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free; Just contact us +250781441853 (Call/WhatsApp) or use

Choosing the Right Safari Destination for You

When planning your safari in Rwanda, it’s essential to consider factors such as your interests, preferences, and travel style. Whether you’re seeking close encounters

Rwanda Safari Packages

Our safari packages offer you the opportunity to experience the best of Rwanda’s attractions, from thrilling gorilla trekking adventures to immersive cultural experiences and vibrant city tours.

Gorilla Trekking Safari Package: Encounter Rwanda’s Mountain Gorillas

Embark on an unforgettable trek through the dense forests of Volcanoes National Park in search of Rwanda’s mountain gorillas, visit local communities and cultural villages to learn about Rwanda’s rich heritage and traditions and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Rwanda’s volcanic landscapes and verdant rainforests


Wildlife Safari Package: Explore Rwanda’s Rich Biodiversity

Embark on thrilling game drives through Akagera National Park to spot the Big Five and other iconic African wildlife, Cruise along the shores of Lake Ihema and Lake Shakani to observe hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of waterbirds and explore the scenic trails of Nyungwe Forest National Park and encounter chimpanzees, monkeys, and colorful bird species


Cultural Tour Package: Immerse Yourself in Rwanda’s Heritage

Explore the Ethnographic Museum of Rwanda, Nyanza Royal Palace, and other cultural attractions to learn about Rwanda’s history and traditions, participate in hands-on craft workshops to learn traditional Rwandan skills such as basket weaving, pottery making, and banana beer brewing and enjoy vibrant dance and music performances that showcase Rwanda’s diverse cultural heritage.


Planning Your Visit: Tips and Recommendations

  • Book in Advance: To ensure availability and secure the best rates, we recommend booking your safari package well in advance of your travel dates.
  • Pack Appropriately: Depending on the activities included in your itinerary, be sure to pack comfortable clothing, sturdy walking shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a camera to capture your memorable moments.
  • Stay Hydrated: Rwanda’s climate can be warm and humid, especially during the dry season, so be sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout your safari adventure.

Book Your Safari Package Today

Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply seeking adventure in the heart of Africa, our safari packages offer something for everyone. Join us on an unforgettable journey through Rwanda’s spectacular landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich biodiversity. Book your safari package today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

How to Book Your Safari in Rwanda with us?

Booking your safari with Universal Ventures Rwanda is simple and hassle-free. Here’s how:

Contact Information

Booking Procedures

  1. Get in Touch: Reach out to us via phone or email to discuss your travel plans and preferences.
  2. Customize Your Itinerary: Work with our team to tailor your safari itinerary according to your interests and budget.
  3. Book Directly from our website:  Choose a package here and proceed to checkout from our website.
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